
A kindergarten is a wonderful place for your child to learn how to socially interact with other children of his or her own age. Children from the ages of 3 to 6 can attend pre-school if their parents choose to send them there, pre-school education is not mandatory in Germany. This type of schooling is not usually a part of the state supported school system and must be paid for privately. The price you pay for tuition is based on your monthly income. In Germany, all children over the age of 3 have the right to attend kindergarten, which does not always guarantee that they will receive a place. Due to a shortage of enrolment spaces, there may be a waiting list for the kindergarten you want your child to attend.

There are a number of bi-lingual and English speaking kindergartens offered in various cities around Germany.

Fidelio Main Office: +49 69 40 56 499-1 · info(bittekeinspam)